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Fantastic Underwater-World in Bali

Bali is a beautiful tropical island in Sout East Asia. Discover a fantastic underwater world in Bali, so you can enjoy a real vacation in a tropical paradise. There are many beautiful locations that you can dive. Candi Dasa is one of the best havens to see an extraordinary the deep of Bali sea. Just
offshore from Candi Dasa is tiny Tepekong, a little outcrop that offers some spectacular diving. The coral walls are steep, the water is cold, and the current can be strong. But for an experienced diver, drifting with a 3 knot current through The Canyon offers an unforgettable underwater experience.

If you have an extra times don’t forget to dive in Amed because Amed is a perfect place for those wishing to get right away from it. Amed is a very slow paced village where technology hasn't caught up. There are a number of dive sites in the area that offer some nice drop offs with good coral and diver fish. Most of the diving is done out of local boats, however shore diving is available from Jemeluk Bay.

Actually there is another nice location to enjoy the beauty of tropical fish and corals in Bali such as Nusa Penida area, Sanur beach, Lovina beach, Tulamben beach,
Tepekong (sometimes called Kambing-''Goat"-Island); Gili Mimpang (three mini-islands sometimes called Batu Tiga,"Three Rocks"); and Biaha Island, sometimes called Likuan Island.

Are you a professional diver? You don’t have to worry about your ability to go underwater. You can learn to dive in Bali with a professional diver’s center. One of
them is PADI Scuba. They can teach you how to dive just in two days and earn
experience the excitement of the underwater world in Bali. Before you go to Bali you can book online to PADI website or other professional divers club in Bali, so you can learn to dive and a sensation of a real paradise in Bali. Are you ready?


Pebell said...

Thanks for coming to my site i hope you keep visiting it. I really like your pictures. Bali looks like an awesome place!

Unknown said...

good site

Ajin b. Gagah said...

Thanks Bali, for visiting my blog.
I had visited your blog. Not bad. Actually, Some informations and concept that we can share.
In fact, You are doing a good job yourself.

Pigeon said...

Ey THanks for visit my blog, you have a lot nice pics here , liked a lot =] I learned some things about Bali here, See ya!

misty said...

Very interesting site. I think Bali is a very good place! I hope to visit it one day...
Bye from "Misty" from the site:
dedicated to Mina: The greatest italian singer and one of the most interesting voices of the world

gla. said...

Que lindas fotos...un placer visitar tu blog lo voy a leer todo pero despacio que tengas buenos dias...besos...(me lleno de gozo que me visites)

gla. said...

Muy lindas gusto tu blog.lo voy a leer todo pero despacio.Me lleno de gozo que hayas visitado el mio...te seguire leyendo.Un beso y otro para mas luego...

gla. said...

Me alegro que hayas leido mi blog.Me lleno de gozo tu visita.te leere siempre pero despacio.un beso y otro para mas luego.

Cellway said...

It's so good to know that we can learn how to dive just in two days! =O

I liked it!

Great post.
so beautiful pictures.


Suso said...

Bonito país y excelente blog. Saludos para todos.


Realmente muito lindo! Parabéns pelo blog. Que a natureza contiue viva em Bali.

Really nice! Congratulations on your blog. That the nature contiue "alive" in Bali.

Narcs said...

Gambarnya bagus. Thx dah mampir ke blog saya


Great pictures, FYI, I was born in Denpasar, Bali :D

Bali is a combination of exotic, beauty, and mystery


Quels beau photos, en fait, Je suis ne en Denpasar, Bali :D

Bali est la combination entre l'exotique, la beaute, et le mystere

Anonymous said...

Do you really live in Bali? Cos if so, what a lucky man you are. Thanks for the visit, I'm very happy you liked the pictures (though they are nothing compared to yours) and really wish you could understand the words, but you don't speak Portuguese, do you?
Anyway, thanks again, wish you all the best.


Hallo, artikel & gambarnya bagus2

jennie said...

looks like bali is an awesome place. nice pix! but dont you have any pic of yours so i could see you? haha.. lol.. (^_^)